Starting with small handyman jobs, Carlos worked his way up to owning a successful contracting business. Discover how his hard work and persistence turned a dream into reality.
Two sisters and single mothers, turned love for children into a thriving daycare business. Learn how they took steps to create a safe and welcoming space for kids in her community.
Homework doesn’t have to be a struggle. Find out how setting a routine and offering support can help your child succeed without adding stress.
A daily reading habit can help your child learn and grow. See how a few simple changes can make reading fun and part of your family’s routine.
Building a strong connection with your child’s teacher can make a big difference. Learn how to ask questions and work together for your child’s success.
Explore how to start a home cleaning business. Learn how to find resources, create a budget, and develop a launch strategy.
Explore how to start a home repair business. Learn how to find resources, create a budget, and develop a launch strategy.
Explore a childcare business. Learn how to find resources, create a budget, and develop a launch strategy.
Contact us to meet and discuss how we can support your student, parent and community literacy goals.
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